"New" Baywalk

When Mayor Lim announced the prohibiting of selling alcoholic beverages along Baywalk, that was good news.

When Mayor Lim announced the removal of those noisy bars along Baywalk, that was more good news.

When Mayor Lim had all the establishments along Baywalk removed, that was a surprise.

After the typhoons Egay, Chedeng & Dodong left the country, I was able to visit this "new" Baywalk. I had to see for myself what friends and officemates had been telling me about how clean Baywalk looks now. And Damn! they weren't kidding. Everything was gone, the coffee place, juice place, snack bars and the likes. Only the big Cafe Puro Cup remained standing. It's just one big, long open walking space, living up to it's namesake.

Although the place looked a little "naked", it's still better than the old Baywalk where the tables and chairs of the closed bars were blocking the walking area during the day while the bars and their patrons blocked the walkway at night.

Nevertheless, I like the "new" Baywalk, at least during the day. Night time is a different story. "New" Baywalk at night is dark and quiet. The place was crawling with street children & vagrants. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what City Hall plans to do with this.
(Photos were taken last August 20, 2007)


Gita Asuncion said...

i havent passed by baywalk in a while , since lim took over manila as mayor. but from your fotos, im liking the daytime baywalk better too... though i likewise think that nightime baywalk looks scary and gloomy. maybe the it should be livened up just a bit. ;-)

dodong flores 도동 플로오리스 said...

Nice photos you got here. I don't know yet what to say but as for the "cleaning up" of baywalk the Dirty Harry way, I think it has defeated its purpose. The Baywalk was created so as to be one big tourist destination in the country. Fred Lim's latest action upon it was not align with the administration's goal of boosting the tourism economy in our country. I have had my own share of experience after the "clean up" and I'm on my way of writing an article about it. I'll post it sometime later in my blog...