Fuji/YKL sponsored a Cosplay Competition & Photo Contest for February 2 (Sat) & 3 (Sun), Almost 100 participants entered, 25 finalist were chosen. The winners were announced Sunday afternoon.

The Winners
1st Prize : One (1) FinePix A900 Digital Camera (9 MP Effective)

2nd Prize : One (1) FinePix A700 Digital Camera (7.3 MP Effective)

3rd Prize : One (1) Digital Mobile Printer MP-70 (Mobile Printer for Camera Phones with Infrared)

Here's a look at the other participants:


Gita Asuncion said...

love your shots! great portraits... thanks for sharing them yet again.

G said...

yup, it was nice that they allowed us to shoot all we want. too bad though that i came unprepared. i used my newly bought DSLR as if it was a P&S, no adjustments, straight out of the box. hence, i really don't have anything nice to upload.

though you're shots are good.

Anonymous said...

mas ok na ang shots mo ngayon kumpara sa dati. XD HADOOO GEEIII... hahahaha

kiTci said...

great shots and to think that there were so many people shooting all at the same time! =)

Ligaya said...

Hi! I'm a moderator from (going by the name Haruka173 when I'm there). I hope you don't mind that I contacted you out of the blue; your brother Stanley Chi gave me the link to this blog. I am pleased to inform you of this announcement. We look forward to your contribution. Thank you for your support of the event at Photo World Asia 2008! v^_^v

~ Joy B/Haruka173,