Bird's Eye View of Makati

I took these pictures when I attended an accounting seminar last month in Makati. These were shot from the 28th floor of the Equitable Bank Building.


Anonymous said...

Nice aerial shots. Btw, got here from Senor Enrique's blog.

Señor Enrique said...

Fascinating views!

I bet it'd be wonderful to take night shots from the same windows.

aimee marksantos said...

what a nice shots!the place had change I've work there in 1999.
Forgot how it looks like.

Photowalker said...

To Master & Aimee, thanks for visiting.

To Senor Enrique, I was actually hoping for that too. But the seminar ended early. And I didn't bring a tripod then.

Anonymous said...

wow nice shots man...ganda na pala talaga ng makati...nice to see rin na marami pang greens din...keep on shooting...-edmund

Anonymous said...

riveting shots! ganda pa rin ng Makati.

i also need a tripod with a ball on the end so i can turn the camera any direction.

thanks for visiting my site.

Anonymous said...

sans pictures of slums in the surrounding areas, Makati would make do as the country's showcase. thanks for sharing the photos.

Anonymous said...

i took nightshots from the same building but not from the top

looks much better at night :)

Photowalker said...

To Belle, Sexymom & Tutubi thanks for visiting.

Anonymous said...

the shots are fantastic!i fell in love with the shots..=) i used to pass by that area when i was with eperformax last year..keep up the good work..i can feel that something big is waiting for you...Goodluck!